Regulatory information

ESG policy

Refer to our ESG commitments.

Complaints handling policy

Artemid has a procedure for handling any complaints made by its clients reasonably and rapidly, involving a mechanism that allows it to process investor complaints in a fair and standardized manner. A request for information, notices, clarification, service or performance is not a complaint.

Complaints must be sent by post to Artemid for the attention of Annie-Laure Servel at 103 rue de Grenelle, 75007 Paris, France. The company may also be contacted by email at or by telephone on +33 (0)1 42 60 56 63. Artemid undertakes to handle complaints free of charge within eight working days from receipt. However, if Artemid is unable to handle the complaint within this timeframe, it will send acknowledgement of receipt within eight working days from receipt and handle the complaint within at most two months (except in the event of special circumstances duly justified) between the date the complaint is received and the date the reply is sent to the client.

Artemid records complaints received in a log, applies official procedures to follow up and resolve incidents, and takes corrective measures if an irregularity has been identified.

If a complaint is rejected or not resolved in part or in full, the person may submit the case to the AMF ombudsman. The AMF ombudsman is the relevant mediator for any dispute concerning a financial instrument, investment service or, more generally, any matter falling within the AMF’s jurisdiction. It is the relevant public mediator, within the meaning of paragraph 7 of article L. 611-1 of the French Consumer Code, if a dispute arises between a professional and a consumer, that is a natural person acting for a purpose that does not fall within the domain of their commercial, industrial, self-employed or agricultural activity.

All consumers have the right to refer, free of charge, to a consumer ombudsman within the meaning of Title I of Book VI of the French Consumer Code. The AMF ombudsman can also handle any dispute that falls within the AMF’s jurisdiction if the dispute concerns a professional and a client who is a legal person or natural person acting for a purpose that falls within the domain of their commercial, industrial, self-employed or agricultural activity in their capacity as a saver or investor.

The client can submit a complaint to the AMF ombudsman:

  • on the AMF’s website at the following address:, where they can fill in the “Request for Mediation” form to submit their case to the ombudsman and which provides a precise description of its role;
  • by post to the following address: Le Médiateur, Autorité des Marchés Financiers, 17 place de la Bourse, 75082 Paris cedex 2, France.


Product disclaimer

Past returns are no guarantee of future returns and may vary over time. Investing in funds poses risks such as the risk of loss of capital, which is the risk of losing some or all of the capital initially invested.


The amount that can reasonably be invested in a fund depends on each individual investor based on their personal situation and family circumstances, their personal wealth, their current and future needs, but also their degree of risk aversion. In addition, we would emphasize the importance of diversifying one’s investments and reading the regulatory documents on the funds, which can be sent to you by post free of charge.